Hi-C sequencing

Hi-C Sequencing Services: Chromosome Conformation Capture 

Hi-C is used to assign contigs to chromosomes and assist in de novo genome assembly. It is usually combined with PacBio Revio long read and Nanopore ultra-long read sequencing to create an optimal genome assembly. All three services are offered at the gCore.

Hi-C is a genomic technique that captures the three-dimensional structure of chromosomes, shedding light on how genomic regions interact within the cell nucleus. This method begins by cross-linking DNA, which preserves the spatial arrangement of chromatin. The DNA is then digested, the ends are filled in with biotinylated nucleotides, and the fragments are ligated together. Sequencing these ligation products reveals which DNA regions were physically close in the nucleus despite being distant in the linear genome sequence.

Hi-C data provides insights into chromosomal territories by illustrating how different regions of the genome cluster together spatially. 

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